How Women's Leggings Revolutionized Women's Fashion
31st May 2017
If you think back to a time in women's fashion when leggings did not exist as the broad category it does now, what did women wear to the gym? On casual days or evenings out? Can you even imagine a world where leggings do not even exist? It seems as if leggings have always been an integral part of a woman's fashion wardrobe but reality is that 20 or 30 years ago, you would have a hard time finding an
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Leggings are Not Pants, or Are They?
Posted by CEO Danny Alex on 29th May 2017
At, we have always been perplexed at some people who refer to leggings as not being pants. Can we ask the questions; are boots shoes? Is a skirt a dress? Is a beanie a hat? The very statement "Leggings are not pants" is like saying sneakers are not shoes. There are hundreds or different styles of leggings and many of these styles take the form of, what many would
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Leggings & Leg Fashion Collection Ever with Over 350 New & Back in
Stock Leg Fashion Styles & an Online Collection of Over 3000 StylesLos
Angeles, California – June 25, 2015 – BRAVADA International (
(Pink Sheets:BRAV) announced today that has
released its largest summer collection of women’s leggings and leg fashion
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