
Legging Ideas

Making Multiple Outfits

Women's Leggings come in an amazing array of styles, colors, textures and fabrics making the possibilities for creating dynamic outfits almost limitless.  It is important to keep mind a few simple fashion rules when combing tops and bottoms to create that ideal fashion look and outfit.   Generally, the more basic the bottom piece the more outfit possibilities you are going to have.  A basic black legging will have virtually limitless options for accessorizing and matching tops and accessories while a colored patterned leg piece is going to narrow your options.  Leggings add a whole new dimension to your entire fashion wardrobe.  Learn to layer and mix and match patterns and different styles of tops with your leg fashion pieces.  If you have a busy colorful legging then experiment with some basic tops from varying lengths to crop tops as well as sleeve length and textures.  Try different length tops with varying fabrics to mix and match with a colorful piece that has a lot going on in the fabric.  The general rule that you want to keep in mind is that if your leg fashion is busy then wear a basic top, if your top is busy then wear a basic legging.  This general rule will make your outfit choices much easier when mixing and matching pieces from your closet.   You may find that you have a lot more options than you think!

Substituting Leggings for Pants

Remember to make leggings the center piece of your outfit from time to time. In today’s world of fast moving fashion, it is important to keep your entire look and image dynamic.  Women's leggings have become very progressive and can absolutely be the focal point of your outfit.  In fact, there are more fashion choices at your disposal than there are traditional pants so your realm of outfit possibilities is made much larger when you add leggings to your fashion mix. The world of fashion is ever changing as have our lives and our demand for comfort has been increasing with our busy schedules.  Leggings give your wardrobe so many more possibilities and tend to be much less expensive than many of your traditional pant options so do not be afraid to substitute leggings for pants to create fabulous outfits with a sassy fashion look and amazing comfort.

Wearing Different Length Tops

Wearing different length tops with your leggings is a great way of easily creating the perfect outfit for any occasion.  Keep in mind that not all leggings have to be skin tight.  There are many styles that offer a loose relaxed fit that can be perfect for an outfit where a casual style is required.  Sometimes, a tight fit look is what you may be going for giving a sexy and refined fashion style, either way, matching a top that works with your outfit expectations is important to finish off the look.  If you are going to wear a pair of basic black cotton leggings then try a longer sweater style top that goes just past the torso.  Because of the basic black color of your leg piece, your top can be virtually any color.  If you are going to wear a pair of relaxed fit harem pants, perhaps a waist length top is going to be the look that completes your outfit in a way that flatters while keeping a refined look.  Clubwear Leggings tend to be much more racy and provocative so by default, you may want to use short tops than longer ones for a more sexy and sassy look.  If you are having lunch with friends then you may want a blended fashion look with an emphasis on your legs.  Wearing a gorgeous pair of floral leggings with a basic white or black t-shirt is going to be a fabulous casual look that is easy, affordable and comfortable.  Know your occasion and you will easily be able match the length of your tops. Do not be afraid to experiment and try different lengths with all of your leg fashion pieces.

Try Different Styles

Today’s fashion for women affords you so many different styles, fabrics, textures and color choices for leggings and leg fashion pieces.  Basic black cotton leggings are a must have staple for your fashion wardrobe that will give you amazing fashion options.  They come in so many styles from bright colorful ones to leggings that give you multiple pattern mixes, textures and styles as well as tight fit and loose fit.  You can make your leggings the center point to your outfit by accessorizing with a simple long shirt such as a linen button-down, an oversize sweater, or long tunic for a wonderful casual, comfortable look. You can wear a busier colorful legging with a basic summer dress or skirt and even mix them with shorts and tunics.  Do not limit your leg fashion wardrobe by the fear that one may be too busy or colorful for you. Different occasions allow for different fashion options so making leggings a diverse part of your fashion collection can spice up your entire wardrobe.

Leggings are Less Expensive than Pants and Jeans

Yes it is true.  Take a look through the thousands of styles of leg fashion on OnlyLeggings.com and see how much money you can save expanding your leg fashion wardrobe. You can get into a fantastic pair of high quality cotton pair for less than $20.00 while an inexpensive pair of pants can be over $75.00 and probably a whole lot more. Leggings are a normal part of today’s fashion culture so instead of buying that one expensive pair of pants, buy 3 or 4 pairs and really spice up your wardrobe.

Capri Leggings and Full Length

This can be a function of your own personal preference but it can also be weather dependent as well as defined by the occasion. Going to the beach will call for different leg piece as will going out for a business dinner. Sometimes you may want to show some more leg for a sexy look or perhaps its mid-summer and a pair of capris are going to be the ideal choice. Capri leggings are a fantastic leg fashion piece for your wardrobe especially in the spring and summer. Consider the event, time of year and your body type but never be afraid to have some different length leggings in your wardrobe to create that perfect outfit.

Wearing Solid Colors or Patterns

Basic black leggings are the classic leg fashion piece and can look wonderful with almost any color and style of top or accessory. If you feel in a colorful mood, you can stick with leggings in solid hues and add a colorful zesty top.  We all have different skin tones, hair tones and shapes so what you feel comfortable and look fabulous in will be different for you compared to others.  The general rule is a basic colored solid legging will allow for more top options while more expressive leg piece will demand a basic solid top.  It can be a challenge to match a busy top with a busy bottom. If you choose a busier legging look for a basic top so you can allow your legs to do your talking.  You will find that this rule will allow you to get into some very exciting legging styles and keep your fashion look refined and looking amazing.

Wearing the Right Footwear

Wearing the right footwear is a very important consideration for leg wear. A low heel or flats will look the best with most casual and sporty leggings. You can even try some different styles of boots for a night time look that will inspire and impress.  High heels can be a precise kind of look if you are going for a more sexy and  in which case you will want a more provocative look by matching your leg fashion with heels.  Leggings offer you an amazing choice and versatility for mixing and matching your shoe pieces to create wonderful outfits to match any occasion. 

Bring Your Old Clothes Back

We all have a ton of clothes in our closet that we do not wear anymore and many of those pieces we still love but cannot find any new ideas to wear them with.  Leggings can be your answer to bringing your favorite top back into your fashion mix. They are one of the most versatile fashion pieces available to you as well as the most affordable. Look at some of your old tops. You will find that today’s fashion legging styles can bring some of your favorites back into your everyday fashion mix.



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